The Porto Social Innovation Laboratory supports the creation of collaborative solutions to the city's social problems. Using a model of collaborative experimentation, which values the policy of failing quickly and well, the aim is to: generate and test new solutions; focus on solving the causes of problems; encourage the incorporation of impact in the decisions of public and private actors; and promote a joint and multisectoral approach to Porto’s social challenges.
The Pontes com Proximidade (Bridges with Proximity) project aims to reduce the isolation of people aged 60 or over with cognitive autonomy, by increasing their participation in community responses or activities and, thus, increasing the number of people in their support network. We believe that people aged 60 and over, when integrated into a larger support network, will experience greater well-being, improved mental health, discover new purposes and motivations and promote literacy about community responses and what influences their well-being, thus preventing social isolation.
Socially, we attribute a meaning, a role, a value to each phase of life. Unfortunately, retirement is still associated with isolation, lack of usefulness, illness, and precariousness.
The lack of identity and purpose, the absence of a life project, reinforces this negative vision, generating exclusive and profoundly ageist societies, where the dignity and rights of the elderly are ignored.
“Olá Reforma!” (Hello Retirement!) was thought of in a holistically way, with the aim of reaching all areas of what constitutes a true Transition Plan for Retirement. We know that this is a need that has been identified but not yet satisfied. Which implies deep individual work, but also from organizations, in promoting a happier, more supportive and fair society, for everyone, regardless of age or perceived social value.
Viver+Porto (Live + Porto) project tested a methodology to support older people to live at home and in the community, breaking their isolation.
The first step was to make each person believe that there was a lot to do and that there is a place for them in city. We listen to their needs, dreams and desires and find, in the nearby community and in our actions, answers adapted to each person.
Now we are ready to reach more people, maintaining proximity teams at each parish level, increasing interest groups and natural interactions between people.
We encourage the creation of friendly relationships between young people in residential care and people from their communities (mentors), through weekly meetings over 4 months. In these proximity meetings, young people and mentors will have the opportunity to carry out activities related to their interests, and above all to develop a horizontal, committed and meaningful relationship, which will be important in the process of empowerment.
We are a project that uses sport as a tool for social inclusion and personal development for young people in foster care. Through the co-construction of a sports club, we provide a sense of belonging and identity and create a safe learning space for young people to reach their maximum potential.